This Old ATV: 1984 Honda TRX200

The year is 1984, Ronald Reagan is President and Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in the hit movie, The Terminator. Another big event happened this year as well, Honda released their first four-wheeled ATV, the TRX200. Until 1984, Honda had only produced three-wheeled ATVs, so this was a game changer. The TRX200 was built to be a workhorse, with front and rear cargo racks and towing capabilities. It was the first ATV that showed people that it could be used for more than just a recreational vehicle. You could go straight from hauling feed to the cattle Friday afternoon to riding the trails Saturday with your buddies. Compared to the huge ATVs of today it doesn’t seem like much, but for the people of 1984 it was the best thing since sliced bread! I personally grew up on this ATV and loved every minute of it, in fact, I still have it! It’s been from the Ozarks to the Rocky Mountains and only showed a little fatigue while in high altitude (+12,000’). I’ve since upgraded to newer and more powerful ATVs and UTVs but the TRX200 is what started my love for ATVs. As people like to say, “It’s an oldie but a goodie!”
The Honda TRX200 was a guarantee to have you start Doing Fun Right